Free: Would You Like High-Paying Speaking Opportunities and/or Clients? For Online Speaking Opportunities and Free Video Tutorial by the Former Mute Girl who Raised $6,000,000, Click the Gold Button...
Prosper with Your Power Story! To Get Interviewed on Speak Inspire TV and Promoted to 20,000 CEOs, Event Executives & Professionals in our LGBT-Friendly Networks, Subscribe...

Thrive & change lives! Can we produce an epic doc about you so you can make great money by inspiring & empowering people? For CEO Summit invitations & free secrets to Your 7-Figure Speech, join us...
SHARON J. LOVE, M.ED. (Psychology) has used the speaking success secrets she teaches to overcome near-mute shyness, inspire millions of people and raise millions of dollars. An award-winning inspirational speaker and motivational speaking success consultant, she also hired speakers for high-paying speaking opportunities in the corporate world. For more information, visit You are invited to join the dream to inspire & empower 1,000,000,000 people with our epic documentary & music video series online. Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can inspire your world.
Prosper from Your Power Story! For Online Speaking Opportunities and 3 Free Speaking Success Secrets from a Corporate Learning Manager who Hired Speakers, Subscribe...
Why Many Workplaces Pay Speakers $ 10,000 / Hour or More...
If you are a new speaker and you give a talk to 25 people for an hour and the workplace invests $100 / person in your talk, you will earn $2,500 in one hour. If you are an experienced speaker, and you give a talk to 250 people for an hour and the workplace invests $100 / person in your talk, you will earn $25,000 in one hour.
This is a goal, not a guarantee, as everyone is different. Speaking does NOT require fame, education or even good looks, but it does require time, energy and an openness to learning.
For Invitations to Get Interviewed & Promoted Worldwide on Speak Inspire TV, Subscribe...
If you are a new speaker and you give a talk to 25 people for an hour and the workplace invests $100 / person in your talk, you will earn $2,500 in one hour. If you are an experienced speaker, and you give a talk to 250 people for an hour and the workplace invests $100 / person in your talk, you will earn $25,000 in one hour.
This is a goal, not a guarantee, as everyone is different. Speaking does NOT require fame, education or even good looks, but it does require time, energy and an openness to learning.
For Invitations to Get Interviewed & Promoted Worldwide on Speak Inspire TV, Subscribe...
For Invitations to Get Interviewed Online & Get Free 7-Figure Speaking Secrets, Subscribe...
Would you like high-paying speaking opportunities and/or high-paying clients? Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology) hired speakers for high-paying corporate speaking engagements. As CEO of , she offers consulting, video production and promotion to help you thrive & change lives by inspiring and empowering people. To live your dreams & change the world, subscribe. You're invited to join the dream to inspire & empower 1,000,000,000 people to thrive, change lives & create a kinder world for all...
Join the dream to inspire & empower 1,000,000,000 people to thrive, change lives & create a kinder world for all, through videos about you. We have inspired over 2,000,000 people so far, and raised over $6,000,000 with one speech.