If a CEO offered you $100,000 to inspire & empower her staff, would you accept? You can learn how to earn $100,000 PER TALK, even if you're NOT famous, and even if you're far too shy to give live presentations. Simply click the video below or scroll down to learn how...
If a CEO offered you $100,000 to inspire & empower her staff, would you accept? You can learn how to earn $100,000 PER TALK, even if you're NOT famous, and even if you're far too shy to give live presentations. Simply click the video below or scroll down to learn how...
Would you like learn The 5 Strategies to Speak, Inspire Millions & Profit from Presenting, and to apply to speak online to our LGBT-friendly network via video? The online success game (quick, action-oriented e-learning) uses survey software to make it interactive. Today, it's only $1...
If a CEO offered you $100,000 to inspire & empower her staff, would you accept? I'm about to show you how to earn $100,000 PER TALK, even if you're NOT famous, and even if you're far too shy to give live presentations...
Hi! I'm Sharon Love, M.Ed., known as the "former mute girl" who inspired millions. After I got over near-mute shyness in my teens, one of my live talks raised over $5,000,000 for a youth business program. I also inspired over 2,000,000 in just over two weeks with one of my online programs. As a speaker and speaking consultant who HIRED speakers for high-paying corporate speaking engagements, I think you deserve to earn at least $100,000 per speaking opportunity, or more, if you inspire and empower people. Here's how to do it...
Let’s say a CEO wants to inspire and empower her workforce. She knows that a good presentation is a great investment in success (we'll talk about the shy person version in a moment. In this scenario, you love giving speeches). The CEO decides to invest $50 per leader in your presentation. She wants you to speak to 400 of the leaders at their annual leadership conference, and she offers to pay you $20,000. In a perfect scenario, you travel for free, and in fact they pay you to travel to your favourite place in the world to give your talk. If you help them to create better results, that's a great investment for them.
When she calls to invite you to speak, you ask her if she’d also like a fun online course to inspire her entire staff of 4,000. Let’s say you charge just $20 per fun online course (which you already created before, and now it’s passive income, so you just earned an extra $80,000). In total, you spoke ONCE, and you earned $100,000. Let's review. In this example,
YOUR SPEECH earns you: $50 x 400 leaders = $20,000
YOUR FUN ONLINE COURSE earns you: $20 x 4,000 staff = $80,000
IN TOTAL, YOU earn: $20,000 +$80,000 = $100,000 PER SPEECH.
Even if you're too shy to give presentations or talk on camera, you can create an online course that doesn't even show your face,
using Powerpoint slideshow videos or webinar software, or hire an actor to read your script on camera (it's much cheaper than you think). In this case, you can charge $25 per person for 4,000 staff, and earn $100,000 from one client.
IF YOU'RE SHY, YOUR FUN ONLINE COURSE earns you: $25 x 4,000 staff = $100,000
Sound like fun? Would you like to get started? It's easier than you think. Would you like to reach out to over 50,000 CEOs, event managers and professionals in our OUTstanding Lives Network? If so, you're invited to APPLY to speak in our Win with Your Heart online speaker series for the network (here are links to a few of our online groups, including our CEO & Executive Network with over 1,600 members, our Professional Network with over 5,000 members, and OUTstandingLives.org, which gets over 180,000 hits per year). Just click "buy now" below to start your application, which is ALMOST FREE, and also get a fun online course and learn strategies to help you succeed.
The fun online course includes The 5 Strategies to Speak, Inspire Millions and Profit from Presenting. If you're on Youtube, you can click the link below to visit ProfitFromPresenting.com and click "buy now" to get started now.
For the first 50 people to sign up, the course also includes a free bonus video that will help you save years. It gives you a single powerful question I created that can change your life by clarifying your GREAT Purpose in just a minute. I may extend that bonus to more people; but I'm not sure yet. This is a fun experiment for me. If you don't see a note on this video, then I'm still offering the free bonus video to save you years.
If you like inspiring and empowering people, and you would like to make great money changing lives, this is for you. If you're already on one of my websites,please share this, then click "buy now" to get instant access to the online course and speaker series application. Usually you will get sent to the link right away (the online course uses survey software to make it fun & interactive). Either way, you will get a receipt from Paypal that includes a link to the online course and speaker series application.
My vision is with you, to inspire & empower over 1,000,000,000 people to achieve their GREAT Purpose, and create a better world. I invite you to click the button and join us!
This online course and application can be worth millions of dollars to you. To make it fun & accessible to everyone, it's on special today...almost for free. Today, it's only $1...
Thanks! YOU make a difference.
Together, we can inspire your world...
Inspire People * Speak Live or Online * Earn Great Money * Save 10+ Years
Make a Difference * Attract High-Paying Clients * Do What You Love * Thrive & Change Lives
Get Paid to Travel if You Want * Empower People * Get Paid to Market Yourself * Inspire Loved Ones
Save years and double your speaking income or more. Today, it's just $1...
Here's what Sharon Love's speaking consulting clients are saying...
* Sharon Love, M.Ed., CEO of ProfitFromPresenting.com, helped a youth employment centre in Toronto, Canada to attract over $5,000,000 (yes, five million dollars, and increasing every year) in government grants from a single presentation. To apply for your session this week, you can call Sharon Love, M.Ed. directly at 416-997-138(two) (New York & Toronto time office hours are best), or click below to sign up for Your Billionaire Brand Consulting...
"BRILLIANT! Sharon, you DEFINITELY saved me at LEAST 5 years..."
Sarah Ross, CEO, Empowering Compliance
(formerly Ross Global Consulting)
New speakers, you can get inspired by speakers such as the ones in this link to our speakers bureau, who are earning $20,000 / hour or more, even though they’re NOT even famous.
Save years and double your speaking income or more. Today, it's just $1...