Speak, Inspire, Thrive & Change Lives! Make Great Money Inspiring & Empowering People...
Speak, Inspire & Prosper! Double Your Income by Empowering People
Do you have an inspirational speaking career or business that benefits you, other people and the planet?
Would you like to...
...speak, inspire, thrive and change lives?
...make great money by inspiring and empowering people?
...attract high-paying speaking opportunities and/or high-paying clients?
...get promoted to up to 1,000,000 people on Speak Inspire TV?
...enjoy the freedom to choose where you work (speaking from home on video or getting paid to travel & speak)?
...save over 10 years (over $1,000,000 of time) by learning High-Paying Speaking Success Secrets?
...getting mentoring from a former corporate learning manager who hired speakers (Sharon Love, M.Ed.)?
If so, Speak Inspire TV invites you to join our experiment, so you can live your dreams and inspire your world. In this fun experiment, see how quickly you can double your income and your free time, by changing lives! Join the dream to inspire & empower 1,000,000,000 people to thrive, change lives and create a kinder world for all, with videos about you. Normally, this program would normally cost you $2,000. As it's new, you can get it by donation this week. As well as a donation, we ask for your opinions, feedback and success stories.... if you are one of the first nine speakers and entrepreneurs to register.
We would Love You to Become one of our Biggest Success Stories
Join two interactive online VIP video summits (using Zoom) on Saturday August 3 and September 7, 2019, at 2 pm ET (New York & Toronto time). Get $1,000 (five minutes) of one-to-one consulting on how to Speak, Inspire & Double Your Income, from a former corporate event manager who HIRED speakers for high-paying gis. Plus, enjoy a self-paced online Master Class that can save you years.
You will enjoy the opportunity to...
* Discover Secrets of a $6,000,000 Speech from a Former Mute Girl who Inspired Millions*
* Learn The Four Secrets to 7-Figure Storytelling in a Self-Paced Master Class Online
* Audition with up to six words if You Would Like to Get Promoted to over 10,000 LGBT-friendly CEOs and professionals* (optional; $200 donation required)
* Find out How an Ontario Youth Raised $20,000,000 with a Short Speaking Video
* Discover Your 3 Success Essentials for Landing High-Paying Speaking Opportunities
* Have your say on new Partnership Opportunities to Fund Your Dreams with Speak Inspire TV
* Enjoy a "Speak, Inspire & Prosper" Power Manifestation Meditation
* Optional: Audition for up to 30 seconds if You Would Like to Get Promoted to over 1,000,000 People (with additional investment required for promotion).
* In appreciation of your opinion on Speak Inspire TV partnerships, enjoy $1,000 (5 minutes) in one-to-one Speaking Success Consulting from Sharon Love, M.Ed. (Psychology), a former corporate leader who HIRED speakers for high-paying gigs
To save 10 years or more, (over $1,000,000 of time), click the green "tickets" button and get started today. There are only ten speaking tickets to keep things simple and ensure you get plenty of attention, so if you want to thrive and change lives, click the green button.
* How to Succeed in the Audition and Join our Collaborative Fundraiser Online and/or Get Promoted Worldwide
Note that we only promote inspiring and empowering messages and websites that benefit you, other people and the planet (that are legal, ethical, LGBT-friendly, diversity-friendly, family-friendly, non-violent, eco-friendly and kind to animals). As long as your message and site do not harm anyone or the planet, we're probably ok with that. We accept spiritual messages (such as the fact that meditation and yoga improve wellness), but no messages promoting a specific religion. We will promote sexual health, but not "adult" services or products. Thank you.
We only promote businesses, websites and speakers that are...
...LGBT-friendly (respectful to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Trans people and friends... yes, friendly straight people are very welcome),,
...family-friendly and Youtube friendly (only things you'd want your kids or your Grandma to see & hear),
...diversity-friendly (to people of all cultures, colours, genders, nationalities, sexual orientations, etc.),
...professional (please wear business or business casual clothing and have a professional or neutral background),
...healthy & safe (never drive while on a video conference, and for health and safety reasons, we don't support alcohol, drugs, sex trade, meat, gambling or tobacco industries),
...animal-friendly & eco-friendly (we don't support businesses that harm animals or the planet)
...and just plain friendly to you, other people and the planet.
Spaces are limited for maximum interaction, so reserve your spot today. If you're interested, click the green "tickets" button to save your spot now.
* Note that Sharon Love's results are not typical. Double Your Prosperity is a goal, not a guarantee, as most of your success will depend on you applying what you have learned, having fun, and taking action. Each person has a different experience level and a different background, and a different learning style. That said, we would love to help you become one of our biggest success stories, and promote you worldwide.
Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can inspire your world.
-Sharon Love, M.Ed., CEO, SpeakInspire.com