Sharon Love, M.Ed. CEO of helped one of her clients earn $5,000,000 (yes, five million dollars) from a single presentation.* Would you like a FREE 10-minute speaking success power coaching session with Sharon Love, M.Ed., to help you inspire more people and double your speaking income? In just ten minutes, you will learn...
1) How to SAVE YEARS by Avoiding The #1 Fatal Marketing Mistake that 99% of Speakers Make,
2) How much MONEY to charge for speaking that inspires and empowers people
3) The 3 Keys to Profiting from Speaking.
Would you like to speak live or online, and inspire & empower thousands or millions of people? Do you secretly envy speakers such as the ones in this link to our speakers bureau, who are earning $10,000/hour or $20,000 / hour or more, even though they’re NOT even famous? If so, you are invited to a free consultation to learn the secrets to double your speaking success. To apply for your session this week, you can call Sharon Love, M.Ed. directly at 416-997-138(two) (New York & Toronto time office hours are best), or click above and fill out this form on Surveymonkey. Click the gold button above to get started today.
Inspire People * Speak Live or Online * Earn Great Money * Save 10+ Years
Make a Difference * Attract High-Paying Clients * Do What You Love * Thrive & Change Lives
Get Paid to Travel if You Want * Empower People * Get Paid to Market Yourself * Inspire Loved Ones

* Sharon Love, M.Ed., CEO of, helped a youth employment centre in Toronto, Canada to attract over $5,000,000 (yes, five million dollars, and increasing every year) in government grants from a single presentation. She runs a speakers bureau that promotes the world’s best speakers (including Les Brown and Tony Robbins), who mostly earn $15,000-$125,000 / hour-long talk. also offers online courses and consulting for speakers who want to get to that world class level. To apply for your session this week, you can call Sharon Love, M.Ed. directly at 416-997-138(two) (New York & Toronto time office hours are best), or click below fill out this form on Surveymonkey...