Would you like to inspire & empower millions of people? You are about to learn a powerful new secret that can be worth millions of dollars to you, to help you thrive and change lives. Hi! My name is Sharon J. Love, inspirational speaking success consultant and CEO of Speak! Inspire! (SpeakInspire.com ). I earned a Master’s degree in Psychology at University of Toronto, and for over 25 years, I've researched the psychological secrets of the world’s greatest speakers. They share four habits in common. I applied these four secrets in my own life, and my results soared, beyond my wildest dreams. In fact, the results were so dramatic that I call these secrets “Your Four Speaking Super Powers”. The secrets I discovered helped me to overcome near-mute shyness in my teens, and give live talks to thousands of people in Spanish, French and English. They helped me to inspire millions of people to support marriage equality online with a facebook group in 2010. A number of times, this secret helped me raise millions of dollars with a single live presentation. After working as a bilingual corporate learning manager who led the team that hired speakers, I’ve earned the reputation as the world’s leading expert in the psychological secrets of inspiring event managers to hire speakers at top rates. If you would like to apply to be a consulting client, you can click here. You’re about to learn the #1 secret, for free. If it fits with your vision & values, you can apply to become one of my “Speak & Inspire Millions” clients. When you master this “Speaking Super Power”, you can feel like you are flying! Ready? Here's the #1 Secret of the World’s Greatest Speakers... drum roll... Win with Your Heart. What does that mean? Win with Your Heart means... align with greatness in your conscious mind, align with greatness in your subconscious mind, and align with greatness in your presentation itself. To align with greatness in your conscious mind, you need a GREAT Vision that benefits you, other people, and the planet. For example, my GREAT Vision is with you, inspiring and empowering 1,000,000,000 people to achieve their great purpose, and create a kinder world. I’m aiming to achieve that through my talk show, Win with Your Heart. Here’s a life-changing exercise... write this down. What is your GREAT Purpose? You can grab a pen, describe it below, or click here to get feedback on your vision as a consulting client. How does your GREAT Purpose benefit you, other people and the planet? Your subconscious mind guides your thoughts, your feelings, your actions... and your results. To align with greatness in your subconscious mind, you need to release any subconscious blocks that are holding you back from inspiring millions. Most people have subconscious guilt, shame, fear, and/or resentments that hold them block their success. Common blocks including stage fright, fear of being “not deserving” or worthy, fear of rejection, millionaire guilt, billionaire guilt, body shame, and fear of boring the audience. The most common subconscious fear I help my clients to clear is the fear of "not being good enough". Trying to speak & inspire millions with subconscious blocks is like trying to get to Costa Rica... on the Titanic. It’s overwhelmingly stressful, traumatic, and almost impossible. Subconscious blocks sink most speakers’ success. The good news is, I have a unique and powerful process that clears the blocks. I love to help my clients quickly access their subconscious minds, and let go of their blocks. Sometimes, I will create and record powerful meditation videos to address my clients’ specific blocks, and heal them. People love changing their results and their lives simply by relaxing. They often tell me that they get over $1,000,000 worth of value from a single hour of consulting and meditation. Once you align your subconscious mind with greatness, you can achieve astounding results, quickly, and easily. Inspiring people feels like flying to Costa Rica with a super hero cape and super powers! How do you win with your heart and align your presentation with greatness? There are a number of powerful strategies that I teach my clients. One of them is to share unique, powerful secrets, that you discovered through a combination of new research and/or experience, as I have done here. If the secrets you share help you audience to achieve great results that they really want, your speaking success will soar. Please comment about your GREAT Vision and/or your challenges & questions below, and then share this article. If you would like to speak and inspire millions and you are willing and able to invest at least $1,000 in your success, I invite you to click here to apply to become a client. Otherwise, you can get my online courses on my homepage at www.SpeakInspire.com . Thanks! You make a difference. Together, we can inspire your world. Sharon Love, M.Ed., CEO Speak! Inspire!
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